Prevention of Soil Erosion • Conservation of Water Resources • Prevention of Floods



Do you have other natural resource concerns? The Kona Soil and Water Conservation District we can connect you resources and partners who can help you achieve your conservation goals for your land!




A Conservation Awareness Contest is held each year on the Big Island, with sponsorship rotating among the island’s districts. It is open to all schools and youth agricultural organizations on the island.


Interested teachers and youth are trained by district and NRCS personnel about the land and how to value its usefulness, including: physical features of the soil (texture, slope, depth, permeability, and erosion); major factors affecting land use (soil properties, rainfall, elevation, wind velocity, flooding); land capability classification; recommended conservation practices; and judging land for a home site.


After the training, teams from the schools and agricultural organizations participate in a one-day contest, held each year in October at a different site on the Big Island, where they practice their newly-developed skills by identifying soil characteristics, slope of the land, factors affecting land use, and so on. Teams are judged on their abilities using a score card. The top three teams receive award plaques. The winning team is eligible to participate in the State Conservation Awareness Contest held every November.




Kona SWCD personnel are available to give presentations to school and community groups on soil and water conservation, watershed management, conservation planning, and other related topics.  Please contact us if you’d like us to give a presentation at your next event.


Community events hosted by the Kona SWCD will be posted on the site as they are scheduled.