Prevention of Soil Erosion • Conservation of Water Resources • Prevention of Floods



The main function of the Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCD) is to pool together available technical, financial, and educational resources, and focus them to meet the needs and objectives of land-users in addressing their soil, water, or other environmental resource concerns.  Districts encourage their local communities to take positive action to collectively protect the nation’s soil and water resources.


Soil and Water Conservation Districts (SWCD) of Hawai'i review and approve conservation plans for agricultural operators within their District, assisting with the implementation of the Hawai'i County Chapter 10 Grading and Grubbing Ordinance and the State Department of Health’s Polluted Runoff Control Program.


Developing these specialized conservation plans must meet Federal, State, and County laws and regulations while providing farmers, residents, and other local individuals with technical resources and advice concerning soil, water, or other natural resource issues i.e. animals, plants, air, energy, or cultural resources.


We encourage you to contact us for assistance if you are in the South Kona District and:


  • are an agricultural producer (active in farming, ranching, or forestry) looking to implement grading or grubbing activities that exceed thresholds cited in the Hawai'i County Grading and Grubbing Ordinance.
  • are an agricultural producer and would like to improve your land’s resources and long-term productivity.
  • are a resident or landowner experiencing soil erosion, flooding, or similar natural resource problems near your home.
  • are interested in reforestation or other vegetative planting activities on your land, or seeking technical advice as a beginning farmer.


The District is also active in administering policies and programs related to:










More information on Hawai'i’s SWCD program can be found on the DLNR website at:






The sixteen SWCDs in Hawai'i are members of the Hawai'i Association of Conservation Districts (HACD).  HACD was organized in 1954 to serve as the state instrument and voice for the conservation movement in Hawai'i. The association is governed by an executive board represented by two delegates from each district.  The board elects executive officers of the association which include a president, five vice presidents, secretary, treasurer, and a national councilperson.  This national councilperson represents the State in the National Association of Conservation Districts.  The HACD is managed by an executive director.


The Association pools district experience and knowledge to develop policies, provide technical and educational resources to farmers and residents, as well as specialized services to the districts (NACD).  The purposes of the HACD are follows:


  • To promote to the utmost the conservation and protection of natural resources within the State of Hawai'i.
  • To encourage the responsible use of agricultural, rural, conservation, and urban lands.
  • To educate and inform the public about soil and water conservation policies and programs.
  • To encourage the active participation and cooperation of public and private organizations in promoting soil and water conservation within the State.
  • To work with member Districts to develop and promote legislation needed to facilitate and support the work of the Conservation Districts.
  • To pursue assistance from all available sources on local, state, and national levels to ensure the greatest conservation benefits to the natural resources and people of Hawai'i.


Visit the Hawai'i Association of Conservation Districts website at:'i


Michelle Watson

Executive Director

Hawai'i Association of Conservation Districts

PO Box 1411 Wailuku, HI 96793


Phone: (808)-214-5388

E-mail: hacdHawai'




The National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD) is the nonprofit organization that represents the nation's 3,000 conservation districts and 17,000 men and women who serve on their governing boards. Conservation districts, local units of government established under state law to carry out natural resource management programs at the local level, work with more than 2.5 million cooperating landowners and operators to help them manage and protect land and water resources on nearly 98 percent of the private lands in the United States.


NACD's mission is to enable conservation districts to pool their resources to accomplish collectively what they cannot accomplish individually. The association was founded on the philosophy that conservation decisions should be made at the local level with technical and funding assistance from federal, state and local governments and the private sector.


As the national voice for all conservation districts, NACD supports voluntary, incentive-driven natural resource conservation program that benefit all citizens.


NACD is financed primarily through the voluntary contributions of its member districts and state associations. The association's programs and activities aim to advance the resource conservation cause of local districts and the millions of cooperating landowners and land managers they serve.


Visit the NACD website at:


NACD Headquarters

509 Capitol Court NE

Washington, DC 20002-4937

(202) 547-6223

NACD Service Center

612 West Main Street

P.O. Box 855

League City, Texas 77574-0855


(281) 332-3402

(800) 825-5547